Martial arts, fitness, yoga, Tai Chi, workplace wellness and career development, fully online and in-person

Building Body Mind Soul based in Greater Boston offers on-demand classes for everything from physical fitness and martial arts to leadership and time management to spiritual growth and meditation.  Our in-person classes do the same, offered in Littleton MA for local students.  Our functional martial arts includes Kung Fu, BJJ, grappling, Muay Thai, karate, boxing and others following Bruce Lee’s philosophy of Jeet Kune Do.  Our hybrid “moving meditation” program combines Tai Chi, yoga and drumming with various pranayama.  Our online children’s curriculum is unique serving as an online martial arts fitness class for kids and parents with our journal program “Martial Arts Tree of Life” to build family values.  We offer weekly career health wellness and growth as a great resource to working parents looking to live their best personal and professional lives.   Are you part of Employee Benefits and Wellness at your job?  Click here!  

We now offer amazing free online training seminars open to the public for meditation, yoga, Tai chi, healthy living, mentoring kids, calisthenics fitness, advanced martial arts and self-defense.   Take our new Physical Fitness quiz now to see where you are at!

About Us

Dynamic online and in-person programs for children, families and individual adults.

We run our own Boston-based studio Building Body Mind & Soul in the US full-time with our programs now completely online to share with the world.  A good children’s program must cultivate self-esteem, fitness, confidence and character while learning real self-defense and ours can even be done as a family!  Our lead instructor runs a volunteer team at working with community leaders and schools to end violence and drugs among youth using martial arts.

New online students join us from around the world for unique classes influenced by our own backgrounds in martial arts, medicine (our lead instructor is a nurse practitioner), fitness, humanitarian work overseas and outreach in our own communities to stop bullying among youth.  The only online resource tying together body, mind, soul for the complete lifestyle in taking care of yourself, your family and the world. 


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Topics include iron body training, self-defense, open hand work, combined meditations and the best nutrition for elite training!

Children's Class

Fun children beginner classes online building confidence, respect, learning and family values

Adult Class

Adult programs for beginners through advanced, functional martial arts for MMA and self-defense with strong calisthenics power drills

Meditation Class

Meditation programs, unique combination of yoga, chi gung, Tai Chi, pranayama and drumming

What People Are Saying

"Our daughter's learning about martial arts, strength, discipline, self esteem and learning to trust others. We truly thank you for this."
Jamie K.
"Myself and my girls have been with Building Body Mind Soul since the summer. We absolutely love it and couldn't ask for a nicer more patient coach than Ryan. A friendly atmosphere where you are never left behind and are pushed in a positive way to exceed your strength and ability."
Janet M.
"The demonstration that you provided at our Teen Center held the attention of the kids throughout the demonstration. I believe that your program shows kids of all ages that anything is possible when you approach it with a positive attitude. "
Gary H.
Police Detective


Most frequent questions and answers

Of course. We have 3 online on-demand class programs (Adult, Children and Meditation) that bill a low rate month-to-month only, no long contracts, and able to cancel for free, any moment you want.  Martial arts code of integrity and honor comes before anything else friend.

You can choose from “Video Library: Programs at Your Own Pace” which is a video library one-time purchase you own forever after


choose “New Online Weekly Classes” which is a monthly subscription that offers BOTH new weekly on-demand classes AND access to our “Video Library: Programs at Your Own Pace”. 

To watch, simply log in to “My Account” with your username and password and click on whichever you purchased “Video Programs at Your Own Pace” or  “Recordings of New Weekly Classes” (if you choose monthly subscription you get can watch both “Video Programs at Your Own Pace” and “Recordings of New Weekly Classes”).

Yes, our children’s program offers an online “Video Library: Programs at Your Pace” version for pre-recorded video library with classes, games and fitness challenges and character growth concepts.

We also have an awesome monthly subscription for kids online martial arts and fitness with fresh new classes uploaded each week which also offers access to our whole video library.  Online classes are on-demand, family-friendly, very fun and energetic.  We discuss core values and things we all need to work on!

Yes you can, from techniques to incredible fitness to forms and meditations and more.  While online classes do not offer physical contact sparring, learning with a friend who has experience is one option or supplementing our program with a local in-person training facility is another.  Some people, however, wish to do the martial arts process without this piece and it is all up to you!


Good, we want very experienced folks coming our way.  Check out our “Advanced Adult” video library at your own pace.

And even in our live weekly online Adult & Teen classes, our martial concepts and techniques are taught with enough detail to keep advanced people sharp (like holding the snake curve when shadow boxing or angling the foot outwards when doing a knee to elbow block) and offer workout advanced variations (i.e. thumb push-ups instead of regular push-ups or various tough static holds with weights, etc.)

Yes, a couple of our instructors spent years putting together what they found transitioned students most effectively spiritually and energetically learning and combining fundamentals of moving meditations (like Tai Chi and yoga) with seated meditations (like third eye pranayamas).  

In the end, it’s all the body, mind and soul, with different labels different cultures put on it throughout time. 


Army of Saints 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in the US that developed free youth mentorship curriculums using martial arts to stop drugs and violence among the youth.  This nonprofit has since dissolved.  We now do similar work running an all-volunteer team called Communication Platform.  What started out small in a few cities in New England is now offered completely free online at to all schools and teachers everywhere. Spread the word!

Our lead instructor is unique is his integration of martial arts, reaching out to the youth for public health’s prevention of drugs and violence.  He also mixes it into his international medical teaching work he does with physicians and community leaders abroad.  

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Martial Arts
Simple Steps to Build Willpower

Willpower Tips


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